Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I Take That Back!
You can have head phones at Boston this year, thanks to the wonderful Deb who found it in the Boston Manuel for me:)
“Page 14 of that book towards the bottom of the page says "Although the B.A.A. discourages the use of iPods and headphones, they are allowed except for those athletes eligible for prize money"...so there, you have it in writing I'll definitely be wearing mine!”
Thank you for all the kind comments about enjoying the marathon and listening to all the noises around me, but to know that I can kick on the tunes if I get discouraged is just nice. I too like to take in the whole experience as well!!!
I wanted to answer a few questions that I have received lately, sorry for not getting back to you:
Alison: Last night’s mashed potato recipe: 1 small red potato mixed with 2 tbsp of 0% Fage a couple of squirts of Smart Balance, pepper and 1 tsp of Dijon mustard:)
N.D The Tofu dip is a recipe.Check out http://nhershoes.blogspot.com/2009/04/easter-bunny-made-me-do-it.html
Alison: What do you think of the Starbucks oatmeal? I think it’s ok, my home made blend is way better but its a nice option:)
itsawrapteacher: have never heard of the VeggieMax. Is that just available local or at all branches? It sounds delish! I think it depends where you are at:)
Welcome NEW READERS thanks for stopping by and keep the questions coming:)
Today’s lunch was last nights leftover Tofu, blackeypeas, sweet yellow peppers, strawberries and more pita with Tofu Spinach and Artichoke dip:)
I love cleaning out all the food in the fridge, it reminds me of the wonderful food I ALREADY have!!!!
How do you get rid of the food before you leave on a trip??
I am so glad I made it through the day even if I had zero sleep last night I wasn’t sure how I would do through the day, besides locking my keys in my car the day was pretty great!
For dinner we were wanting Mexican, but the healthier version. We made Qusadillas with La Tortilla Factory tortillas, light TJ Cheese, black beans, FAGE, Mulit Grain FoodShouldTasteGood Chips.
This was much better then the greasy mess we would have had at a Mexican Restaurant. I am still a little hungry I am thinking a Frozen Yogurt run will be coming soon:)
Little C loved it!
I have a lot of things to get done before we leave Saturday:
- Pack
- Make a Playlist for the marathon
- Make an Itinerary for Boston, DC, Philly, and NJ
- Clean the house for our house guest who will be staying at our house while we are gone.
- Register for WWRT
- Get Blogger Meet-ups organized
More Give-Aways!!!!
Meghann and Amanda are giving away Honest Planks!!!
The Fitnessista and Caitlin are giving away a Stoneyfield Swag!
Go check them out or don’t, I want to win;)
Hope Hump Day was wonderful for you!!!

Glad I could help! You had me worried for a second...although I do want to take in all of the sounds the Boston marathon has to offer...I definitely need my tunes for those tough times during the race! I still need to work on a good playlist as well...time is running out! Have a great race! :)
yay thats great news!!! like you said, you want to soak up some parts of the atmosphere but for those of us used to running with music its really nice to have when you need the extra push! so excited for you :)
Yay, great news!
thats awesome you can use headphones!
I need to try that tofu dip, I wonder if I can make a cheese version using tofutti?
Wow it's such a relief Bobbi!! Great news!
I am glad you will sleep well tonight. Last time I trained with team in training, so I never used on ipod on long runs, just chatted. So I would have been ok without one for the nike thon, but I will be training solo for NYC, so it would be uite miserable to train without tunes.
Yay! It's almost here! I'm so excited for you, you will have a great time. My check is in the mail!
are you getting sooooo excited??
Thanks for answering my questions! Glad you can use headphones on the marathon. Love those yellow pepper pics!
We try to eat as much of our food as possible before going on a trip. But we usually end up throwing some things away.
Little C is the CUTEST little girl i have EVER seen!!!!! :) i'm so bummed i won't be able to go to that running skirt expo thing!!!! i'm super excited for crema tho! i have never been there! i peeked at the menu and if we get food i totally know what i want LOL.
Hey girl, I just happened to come across your blog and I love it. I am training to (hopefully) run my first half marathon soon so it is really great to see all of your tips and things on here.
Hope your having a great day!
:O yaaay on the ipod!
That is SUCH a relief about the headphones!
I am giving the Stonyfield Farm products away as well, so you have a third chance to win. :D
man, i love those la tortilla factory wraps! i brought some to work to have with my lunch today. SOOOO good!!!!
LOVE la tortilla factory's! Ha i was dying about what u said about wanting to birth a 9 yr old- so silly yet true :D
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