Wednesday, April 15, 2009
What No IPod’s in Boston?!
Yes that’s right folks, “Fast” Jill told me that you can not wear IPod’s in the Boston Marathon! (pardon my language) But WTF! I have never run for more then three miles without my IPod, it’s what keeps me motivated. I know most races highly discourage IPod’s, but they don't BAND them. She said that one guy got pulled out of the race because they were wearing one, and if they catch you in a picture they will disqualify you!
Here is one source I got:
Although the Boston Marathon has long prohibited headphones, director McGillivray expects to beef up publicizing the rule. So does Cape Cod Marathon director Courtney Bird.
"I can go to the point of saying the use of earphones is banned and their use during the race may disqualify you," Bird says. "The issue becomes: Are we going to physically have the anti-iPod police out on the course? The answer is no."
Is it TRUE???
Last night I didn’t sleep a WINK, I think my brain is going 100 miles and hour with all that I need to do in the next 3 days. I can’t believe we are leaving in 72 hours!!!!
In happier news I did get in an easy 3 mile run this morning with the group and am blogging early not to wake little C. I made a yummy Not So GREEN MONSTER this morning for breakfast with, spinach, 1/2 banana, almond milk, whey protein, blueberries, flax seed, and PB2.
So not only am I having a Boston Blogger Meet-up, I am now also planning a Philly/NJ Blogger Meet-up too?!!! We are looking to have dinner in Philly on Saturday April 25th, and the wonderful HangryPants will be joining us too. I can’t wait to meet Heather and Mark, I just love these two! So are you up for it? Email me at marie.bobbi@gmail.com
$806,000 PRIZE PURSE AT STAKE: The total prize money distributed among the winners of the 112th Boston Marathon will be $806,000. The Boston Marathon began awarding prize money in 1986 and through the 2008 race more than $11 million has been awarded in prize and bonus money.
Do you run with headphones, have you ran 26.2 miles WITHOUT them?!!!

I heard something about this restriction but I CANNOT imagine running, any distance what-so-ever, without my music!!!
i love the PURPLE monster! SO pretty in the glass!
oh my gosh - NO IPOD? .. so do the runners just listen to eachother breathe? :/
did they give a reason for banning the ipod? is it because runners aren't aware of those trying to pass them?
oh man -- and i'll be in phl/nj just 2 weeks later!
most races do prohibit ipods but i think they do that just so that YOU instead of THE RACE would be the one sued if you cause an accident while wearing one.
personally, i'll take the risk because rocking out to my preferred playlist is totally part of the experience! i do make sure that it isn't blasting so that i can hear what's going on around me as well as my lady gaga.
I can't imagine running without my Ipod, but I'm sure you'll be fine you've worked for this for so long I can't imagine something so little getting in your way!
Shoot - the iPod is essential! On my race's site it says "strongly discouraged" and even that scares me!
I have decided during my half to write a story in my head. At each mile marker I want to focus on a particular character for the story. Hopefully by the time I'm done, I'll have something good?
you could 1) sing to yourself 2) write a story in your head 3) think about the things around you?
Hummm. I don't know! Just try to stay positive!
Ouch! I agree I know headphones are usually highly discouraged, but never outright banned. That truly sucks. On my trail run this weekend a lady was running with speaders on her belt and we were listening to footloose with her, maybe you can find some speakers? lol
Ugh, this sounds like an unpleasant surprise. I hope it doesn't throw off your race because you've trained so hard! Plus, you have to uphold your awesome title of Speedy McSpeederson in B-town!
I just ran the Half without my iPod and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm not sure what will happen on my first marathon though. I guess I'll have to start training alone with my thoughts.
I never run with an ipod, unless I am on a treadmill. I actually have learned to like the silence and it has helped make me mentally tougher. Plus, I like to be completely aware of my surroundings.
I wouldn't worry about not wearing the ipod in Boston. The crowd support is unreal and there is always enough going on to keep you motivated (both runners and supporters). The streets are always full of people. If there was a first marathon to run without music, this would be it. Nor worries.
oh no!!!! that is a really long way without music!!!! hopefully the people can give you that same boost!!! i wish i could be at every mile with a boombox!!
I have heard that you can't wear earphones for certain races. I would die without my iPod. But...I bet there will be so much to look at on your run that it won't be as boring as silent running usually is.
I found your blog and it's so amazing that you are doing the Boston! I did it in 2006 and it was the BEST day of my life (sounds extreme but it's true). :-) Good luck - you are going to do do incredibly well!
I actually have only run a few races with an ipod/music because I always thought they weren't allowed! But the one marathon I did, I actually qualified for the Boston. Coincidence? I think not!
I think it would be so cool to do a blogger meet up but I have plans on the 25th. If you guys are interested in a HopFest, let me know!!
Hmm. Maybe I needed to explain more...Hop Beer Fest
Don't worry about it! There will be hundres upon hundreds of cheering people along the whole entire route! You won't even need music, their cheering voices will totally motivate you. Honestly, there are so many people along the route, especially when you get near Wellesley College. The college ladies all line along the route to scream and yell. They call it the "wall of noise" or soemthing like that.
my friend told me ipods weren't allowed, but there will be so many people and things to keep you distracted!
that would be rough for me-- i love my ipod!!!
wish i could go to the meet up! :/
Hey there, I'm running Boston this year as well and i'm pretty sure I read in that booklet that came in the mail from the BAA that it says this is the first year you are allowed to wear your ipod unless you are up for any of the money rewards so I don't think you need to worry about it. I wish I had my book here at work so I could tell you what page I read that on...let me know if you find any more info out about it...I have to run a marathon with my ipod!!!!
That purple monster looks YUMMY!
That's really weird to ban your ipods... really weird
I run without an iPod when I run with a partner, but I can't imagine that distance without one! Love the purple monster!
No Ipod?!?! That really sucks. When I trained for my first 1/2, of course i never ran without my ipod but on race day it was raining so I went without it and did fine. But, 26.2 is a long way without the music your used to! I'm sure you will do just fine though! I bet all the crowd support will keep your mind busy anyway!!
So fun about the bloggy meet ups! Wish I was in Boston or NJ:( Let me know if your ever around Memphis!! ha ha.
no ipod Ugh!! that sucks...I can barely work without my ipod I couldnt even imagine good luck
I have never listened to music when running. I really enjoy the sounds of the great outdoors. I find it very peaceful and relaxing. The rest of my day is filled with so much noise. That little time on my own without it is much appreciated.
I wouldn't DREAM of running without my iPod!!!!!!! In fact before I started using the Nike+ system on my nano you couldn't pay me to run for more than 10 minutes!
I'd love to meet up in Philly but I'll be out of town that weekend. Enjoy my wonderful city!
In terms of the IPod, I've run one marathon with headphones and three without. Both have been great experiences, but I like running races without more in some ways, because you get to interact with all sorts of people.
Especially at Boston, embrace the community - and come back with the stories of all the runners you meet along the way!
No IPOD sounds brutal! Looks like Deb said they are allowed this year though (comment posted above). I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!
Wish I could go to the meet up. I will be out of town that weekned.
I might get slammed for saying this but one of my friends told me there are sunglasses by oakley or some brand which have earphones built into them. She ran the philly marathon this year/last year? with them in and you can't tell because they look like sunglasses. Sketchy :) But just an idea if you're desperate! I might do it for the NYC marathon because I can't imagine running that long without an ipod!
i never run with my ipod, i don't think it's safe. most of the time it's for insurance reasons that they don't allow them, or that is what i have been told.
If you "can't" run without music, you have bigger problems than iPod bans.
Leave the ear buds at home, folks. Just... run.
You might surprise yourself.
i need my headphones and im wearing my hatphones~~~!!!
Yikes on the headphone ban! If I am running with a buddy, no ipod. But, by myself, I have to have my tunes!
I need my headphones.. I might turn them off for awhile, but I love running with them. It's part of why I enjoy running!!
OHH so blueberries make for a purple shake, god I can't wait for summer and more fresh fruits!
Wow, I'm kinda shocked people are so hooked on their iPods :)
I always run solo, and ditched the headphones a long time ago after I realized how easy it would be for someone to sneak up on me. It was tough at first, but now I love the quiet focus.
Maybe you could make a game of trying to pass people wearing headphones ;)
Running that long without music would be hard! I never have understood the reasoning behind that rule.
i would cryyyy if i couldnt use my ipod during a run!!
yikes!!! i can run a few miles without my ipod but a whole marathon?!?
soooo exciting!!! are you going to post your bib number so we can track you :)
Hey I found it!! Page 14 of that book towards the bottom of the page says "Although the B.A.A. discourages the use of iPods and headphones, they are allowed except for those athletes eligible for prize money"...so there, you have it in writing :) I'll definitely be wearing mine!
hmmm... i think that if you are not planning on seriously competing you will get away with your headphones? i remember my friends used ipods last year and had no problem, even though they were technically restricted.
Ah bummer! I would have loved to partake in the Philly meet-up (I only live an hour away from Philly) but that is when I will be in LA! Ugh, we are totally flip-fopping states. :)
every race I've raced in has said no ipods and I've never had a problem! that's crazy they would actually inforce it! if worst comes to worst at least you will be running it with someone you know!! and obvi there will be tons of supporters to distract you! SO EXCITING!
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