Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Running In the Cold
Good morning lovelies!
Today I am fasting from sweets as a part of my 30 day fast, not too hard since I can’t have them on the detox as well.
We eat primarily for pleasure, only if it tastes good and we like it. But many people eat for basic survival, unconcerned with the flavor, just as a necessity to fill the void in their stomachs. Choose to forgo desserts for the rest of the week in order to remind yourself that food was meant first for our nutrition and second for our enjoyment.
I like that concept, “food was meant first for our nutrition and second for our enjoyment.” I do think food is a great luxury and I am blessed to be able to try all kinds of different foods that God has provided. Unfortunately this isn’t the case for all in the world. Today as I fast from sweets I shall think of all that don’t have the choice of what food they get.
I woke up pretty hungry but I had to leave the house super early this morning to get to work early, so I made a to-go-bowl of Oats.
oats+nanner+apples+honey+nuts= YUMMY! I also had a scoop of Barney Butter along with it.
My current drink of choice is Green Tea, not my favorite but it’s part of the cleansing.
I had a comment yesterday about Oats having Gluten, I don’t believe they do and they are on the list of the things that I can eat on the detox. Anyone know the right answer out there?
I would like to share a little tip from one of my wonderful readers named K. She left a great comment about cold weather running clothes, this one is for you Josh!
I live in a climate that gets pretty darn cold in the winter so here are a few cold weather tips that I've managed to learn:
- Good socks are a must! Wright Socks makes some good cold weather socks. I've stepped in a puddle of slush and been able to continue with my run without worrying about frostbite.
- LAYERS! Make sure the layer closest to your skin is made of technical "sweat wicking" fabric. There are some good sets of long underwear out there that are perfect (and you don't necessarily have to spend the big bucks for the merino wool).
-LAYERS! Make sure your outer layer is wind proof. That cold wind will chill you to the bone no matter how hard you're working.
- Nike makes some pretty good insulating tops, as do many other brands, check out the "cold weather" gear and see if you can get any on sale. I like things with hoods.
- a good toque (or 'cap' those who don't speak Canadian) is really helpful as well. Something that covers your ears and wicks away the sweat from your head.
Cold weather running is actually kind of fun :) There's something really peaceful about running in the snow, and it is also fun to see the strange looks from non-runners when you're out in the crazy weather. Good luck!
Question: Do you run in the cold? Any advice you have to share?
I live in Alaska and YES I RUN IN THE COLD. Coldest ever being like -4,warmest being 68 this summer and I was literally dying.
In the winter spandex is key, and good socks. It's a cold start but 20 minutes in your breaking a major sweat, just don't hang around outside too long when you stop running.
I'm not an expert on gluten... but I do believe that oats contain gluten. I only say this because my boss switched her family to a gluten free diet a year ago and that's one of the things they won't eat any longer
But that said...I believe I have read that it seems to depend on the person... some that avoid gluten do eat oats... so I think it's what your body can tolerate!
Hope that helped some and wasn't even more confusing! haha
Thanks for the advice Bobbi!! I am nervous about running in the cold.. When I do I will be sure to use your advice.
The oats a gluten is a point of conflict even at a cooking school for allergies, so no wonder we're all confused! Here's my understanding: oats themselves do not contain gluten however most oats are processed in places with wheat so they are cross-contaminated with gluten hence why celiacs need a gluten free version (which is available). On top of that, I think that oats also have a gluten like protein but only about 1% of the people who are sensitive to gluten are also sensitive to that.
All I know is that I and my other gluten free friends (due to sensitivity not celiac) eat oats so I think they are MORE than fine on your cleanse! Best of luck.
i have never ran in the cold - but i just wanted to say that this statement really resonates with me: "food was meant first for our nutrition and second for our enjoyment" ... i feel that far too often I eat with enjoyment in mind, and I never even consider the nutritional content of the food =/
What Amy said about oats containing gluten i believe is correct.
Like she said, there are Gluten-Free Oats out there--Bob's Red Mill GF Oats should not be too hard to find (i live in a pretty small town and i have no problem getting them!)
I've always though oats had gluten. What your other readers have said sounds pretty knowledgable and is probably more correct. I have a pack of Bob's 5 Grain cereal that i think is GF
I read that actual oats don't contain gluten-- its the processing and packaging process that exposes them to gluten which is why some oats do contain gluten. If you look for "pure" or "organic" oats though, those shouldn't contain any gluten.
Oats do not have gluten themselves but are usually contaminated with wheat and gluten which is why there are different varieties out there - designating gluten-free, etc.
cold weather running is trickey. because my skin is cold but my body is hot. it takes practice to learn to dress right.
I love to run in the mornings here in PA which is often below freezing. I agree with a lot of K's comments!
-I LOVE Wright Socks - they are the only kind (the double layer ones) that don't give me blisters
-Good running tights (mine are City Sports brand)
-a long-sleeved Under Armour top
-a puffy vest to keep the core warm
-gloves and an earband
Thanks Bobbi- I hope my advice was helpful!
I don't know what the Fahrenheit to Celsius translation is, but one thing I didn't mention is that I dress for weather that is 10 degrees warmer than it is outside. As Ms Droark said, it is a little chilly at first, but after about a mile, things feel warmer.
I'm definitely more wussy about the hot weather than I am about the cold...
“food was meant first for our nutrition and second for our enjoyment.”
What a novel idea for many Americans. I love this philosophy and try to follow it. I still think it's okay and natural to enjoy food (after all if you don't like it, chances are you won't eat it, right?) but it's to fuel our body above all.
I find it fascinating reading about those who live in cold climates! I can't imagine running in snow, but I have also only seen real snow a handful of times since I live in the south. To me, a cold run is below 70 and I'm bundled up like a snowman. =)
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