Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ice Ice Baby
Happy Hump day! We have made it over the half way mark in the week, time to finish strong:)
Waking up this morning was no easy task but I manage to get out and run a wonderful 5 miles with my running buddies. It was still dark at 5:30am so we had the chance to see the most beautiful sunrise over the mountains, something I do not do enough.
For breakfast this morning I was determined to make the perfect GM. I think the key is adding a lot more ice.
I also added some Chocolate Amazing Grass.
All together!
Perfection, nice and thick just the way I like it.
I also enjoyed a piece of WW Toast with PB and Honey.
The summer is almost over and I am already thinking about what vacations we will take next summer!
Hubby and I want to start saving now for our vacation next summer. We only have a couple more summers until we have kids so we want to take full advantage!!
Where is your perfect vacation spot?
our favorite vacation: we were on a boat for a week, spotting in Martha's Vineyard, Nantucket and cape cod, then a few weeks later we did it again but spent the whole time in block Island. it was our last hurrah before kids!
did you ever review Making the Cut?
Ah, the perfect green monster. It's frustrating how one day it turns out and the next it doesnt. My favorite vacation spot is backpacking through Europe. No worries.. you just do as you please and go where you please :)
Happy Hump day!
I love going up north during the summer. theres just something about being in a small town, with cute shops, and the best restaurants (no chains)
have a wonderful day! :)
I'm quite a fan of the UP (Upper Peninsula of Michigan) - but that is where I went for my honeymoon :) If you like hiking and nature, it's definitely a good place to go, and in the summer the temperatures are perfect!
I've found frozen fruit really helps thicken up green monsters too.
Somewhere warm with warm waters too would be awesome
your GMs always look so good!
We love the Outer Banks in North Carolina, or the mountains in southwest VA where we live :) nice and cool, lots of hiking.
I love vacationing anywhere warm & sunny, preferably with beautiful beaches.
I live in Texas and our favorite vacation spot is in Wimberly TX. We have been there 3 times in the last 3 years. Once for Christmas with our whole family. It is a small town and has swimming holes and beautiful cabins. I also love anywhere that has sun and beaches.
I like my GM's thick too! YUM!
Our favorite vacation is renting cabin on Shushwap Lake in British Columbia! It is always warm and the lake is beautiful!
Mmmmm, your GM looks so tasty!
And, if I may suggest, since you asked...Hawaii! Hawaii is such an awesome vacation spot - my hubbs and I go every year. It is close enough for us Cali girls and yet, the setting feels like your miles away from everything. We're saving for next year already, too! We want to island hop! Hope this helps, happy hump day! :)
I can't believe the summer is almost over. It feels like it just started!! I am super excited for the Fall though, and not so psyched for the winter.
My favorite vacation is definitely to a city or to the beach!
Right now the bf and I are thinking about Jamaica. Mainluy because a friend is getting married over there next summer. So, were saving for that right now.
That first line sounds like a X-country coach encouragement! =P
i would love to go to martha's vineyard! but that's coming from a west-coast gal.
St. George Island on the Gulf! So peaceful and quiet!
And I LOVE peanut butter and honey!
Yay for planning vacays! It's always so nice to have something to look forward to all year. We just planned our 2010 trip for a Medderteranian cruise and I am super pumped! (I have a feeling this is going to be my perfect vacation)
Hmmm, where could you guys go this year? How about PA? LoL, you can come stay with me and my hubby here in good old Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Lets see, we could go to Hershey Park and Lancaster (Aka Amish country) Sounds inticing right? :)
But if you ever do have any random inclinataion to come to PA, you always have a friend to stay with.
Love ya girl!
You're already in a fabulous state for a vacation. So much you can do!
REI Adventures Vacations
California Activities
California Outdoors
Metrolink Getaways
There's also Bed & Breakfasts at the beach. Stayed in one in Laguna Beach (on a cliff) years back that was wonderful. Back then they didn't have phones or TV in the rooms (part of the 'getaway' theme, not cause they had no electricity. LOL). It was Eiler's Inn but now it's Hotel Seven4One. It was great. Food, accomodations, by the ocean waves.
Lately have been thinking about renting an RV and a short roadtrip (only because I've never been in an RV before). Saves hotel $$.
You guys seem like you'd have a blast at an adventure vacation.
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