Monday, April 13, 2009
Motivating Monday!
I will be taking a break from my normal Make a Difference Monday post and will be highlighting some wonderful facts about the Boston Marathon(will be doing this the whole week). I am hoping this will get me motivated for the Marathon!
The Boston Marathon is the oldest in the county. The first was in 1896 and the 24.5 mile route went from the Irvington Oval in Boston to Metcalf's Mill in Ashland. Today, the distance has increased to 26.2 miles and the route starts in Hopkinton, continues through eight cities and towns and ends up near Copley Square in Boston. So you actually run into Boston!
I didn’t realize that the Boston Marathon was the oldest marathon in the country, the history major in me thinks this is cool!
I woke up early this morning to get in some Gentle Hatha Yoga #1 from YogaDownload.com. It felt great to refocus and get a stretch in. Hatha yoga for me is better in the morning, I love all the breathing and not any back bends or too intense moves.
I made a Bowl of Apple Butter Oats:
1/2 c oats,1 c water, vanilla, 1/2 banana,flax seed and 1 tbsp of PB2.
Bobbi’s Granola Greatness, chopped pecans, 1/4 c of Kashi GoLean, and a splash of almond milk.
I love putting PB2 in my oats it blends in so well and adds the perfect touch of sweetness.
Like I said last night I will be eating SUPER CLEAN this week maintaining a high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet during the next seven days before my big run. As well as drinking lots of fluids.
This weeks training schedule:
Monday | No Run, Yoga+ Kickboxing |
Tuesday | 3.5- 4 mile run + Kickboxing |
Wednesday | 20 minutes of easy running+ Weight Training |
Thursday | 2 mile Tempo run, 3.5 miles total |
Friday | Yoga+Weight Training |
Saturday | Off |
Sunday | 3 miles EASY! |
Everyday I intend on using my foam roller to do the following stretches. Please yell at me and tell me to stretch!!!!
How do you get motivated/pumped for a race, or shoot just to get up and move your BUTT??
"Racing teaches us to challenge ourselves. It teaches us to push beyond where we thought we could go. It helps us to find out what we are made of. This is what we do. This is what it's all about."
-PattiSue Plumer, U.S. Olympian
Edited to add: Check out Andrea of OHC she has featured me on her blog today:)

Dan has a great 3 mile run route from that goes right along the Atlantic Ocean from our house - might be great for Sunday! :)
Wooott! And the countdown starts! :D
Your Feet on the Street feature is up. :D
It seems like it was just YESTERDAY when you said there was still a month and two long runs!!
i am so excited for you!
gosh I am so very excited for you! I also can't wait to see what a week of clean eating looks like from the gal who already eats amazing!
I am so excited for you! Boston is so close:)
Loved reading the interview and getting to know more of your story. Happy Monday!
oooh exciting about the feature, i'm gonna go read it!!!!!!! here's a cool guide to the boston course: http://www.boston.com/sports/marathon/guide/
yayyyyyyyyyyyyy it's a big week!!!!
So excited for you!
You said you were going to be in New Jersey soon. Where in N.J? I want to see if it's anywhere near me.
Man, I'm so excited about this, and I'm not even running Boston! If only Harrison were still going to school up there. I'd make him stand outside and cheer for you!
Hurray for Boston! I am so excited for you and know you are going to rock - YOU BEST BE STRETCHING!! Haha, you told me to yell, so I did :o)
Also, yay for being featured on OHC! She is such a sweetheart.
what a GREAT feature! you always have such a spirited, adorable smile! it makes me melt :)
How exciting the marathon is so close! can't wait to read all about it!
wooooo one week until boston!! :)
you are so totally ready for this race!!!
let the winding down BEGIN!
Damn I can't believe it's almost time for Boston. You are gonna own!
Bobbi, good luck at Boston! Your blog has been very motivational for me to read as my first marathon is this weekend :) I am inspired by your workouts!! Great job!
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