Friday, December 12, 2008
YES it’s Friday, the day we have waited for all week! Is it just me or did this week seem like it when on forever and ever?
We met up with our Thursday night group and went to the Farmers Market here in town, it’s at night which I know is unique to our little town. We had so much fun, watched the carolers, shopped for breads, shopped for produce, and had some hot chocolate afterward. I didn’t get too much there, just some carrots (for the pot roast I am making today), a mini butternut squash and some sourdough bread (for the hubby of course).
Before we left I made this beautiful Cranberry Salmon Salad!

Today I ran 4 miles and did a great push up, ab, and weight work at home. I need to go the gym next week!!!! Great run, it’s a little chilly here in So Cal, and we hear there is SNOW in our forecast for next week!
Running Stats:
Distance: 4.26miles
Avg Pace: 8:21/mi
Max pace: 5:54/ mi
Calories Burned: 518
Abs and Stretching
50 straight crunches
50 one leg crunches on each side
50 toe touch crunches (laying on back legs up touching side to side)
50 bicycles
25 lower ab leg lifts
2 minute plank moves
I made another wonderful bowl of oats (no pic sorry)
I am also making a Pot Roast for dinner tonight, well the crock pot will be slaving all day and I will enjoy tonight!!!! This is my first attempt at ever making Pot Roast, but it’s the perfect food for this gloomy weather.
Yesterday was an off day, but I still got in some walking to get in those points! While I was walking I read some of my Runners Magazine, I LOVE multi-tasking!!!!
December 8th situps and pushups 20minutes- 1
December 8th AKB 1:15 -5 points
December 9th run 7.45 1:02:14 -7.5 points
December 9th situps and stretching 20 minutes- 1 points
December 9th AKB class 1hour -4 points
December 10th AKB class 1 hour :15 min- 5points
December 11th Walked 2 miles ( on my break)- 2 points
December 12th 4.26 mile run+ abs and push ups- 5 points
Total Points for the week of December 8th-12th= 30.5
I am proud of this, I hope to win but NOT kill myself doing it…I NEED TO RESPECT MY OFF DAYS!
While I was reading I saw that Rick Trujillo (Trujillo is my maiden name) is in Runners Wolrd this month as this crazy mountain runner! I wonder if were related, I soooo need to check into that!
December 11: I ate a Persimmon!!! I have never had one of these and they had them at the tasters at the market so I of course tried it, yummy! I guess you can bake with them???
This was really hard to judge, there were so many wonderful and creative recipes that came in!! But someone has to win so the winner of the CreateMyCookbook gift certificate to make their very own cookbook is:
Elizabeth Mays from Stevensville, MI congrats GIRL!
Peppermint Bark Recipe ( with added almonds) if you want the recipe email me and I will get it to you!
My running buddy Rachel has a great list of things to buy for the athlete in your life, check it out!
Also I am adding to my list a FRENCH PRESS!!!!
Well I am off to work, going to be a busy day we are making Gingerbread this will be a first for me! Tonight we are going to a Christmas Concert with some friends and then tomorrow hubby and I are in for a full day of shopping and baking ( I know Hubby is THRILLED). HAVE A HAPPY FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!!!
P.S. Here is a pic of the Christmas trees I made with my class, there super easy and soooo cute!

Hi Bobbi!
I love to eat persimmon on their own when they are nice and ripe. If you try and bake with them make sure you blend up the mixture pretty well. Once I tried to add it to my oatmeal and when cooked it turned into a stringy overly chewy mess. I guess they are really high in fiber and when the sugar cooks out, not much of a texture left. I think you should try to bake with them and post how it turns out for my benefit alone!
congrats to Elizabeth!!
i just tried a persimmon-date bread from foodblogga.blogspot.com that was quite lovely :)
i've only had dehydrated persimmon before and it was incredible!
the farmers market looks like so much fun and the salmon salad looks DELICIOUS!
have a happy friday!
A night time Farmer's Market sounds like fun!
I can't believe you're expecting snow! That's like us getting snow over here. It's not that cold here though, just and windy.
I love farmer's markets. And you are kicking but with the HBBC!
To cookbook winner Elizabeth - You should enter your Peppermint Bark in this week's BSI! See my blog for details... http://sweetandnatural.wordpress.com/2008/12/08/blogger-secret-ingredient-week-15/
You should enter something too Bobbi!
Man I don't think my farmers market is open any more, but just looking at all of that makes me want fresh fruit!!
You can certainly write about me...maybe we could make things up to make it more interesting. :)
I am so jealous you have a Farmer's Market...we have a lot of these in Israel but NONE here in the Czech Rep.
They just don't do farmers market
That's so cool that the farmer's market is at night! I wonder if more people can go that way?
What a cute tree. :)
Thanks for making me smile! I love your attitude!
Hey Bobby! I am new to your site and I just love it--great job. I am so impressed by how fast of a runner you are! Have you always run so fast or did you work up to it? Also, I am really interested in kickboxing classes after your posts. How does the calorie burn compare to that of running? Thanks!
You are hero - your HBBC points are off the charts!
Ok, I've never had a persimmon before - what does the taste compare to??
Geesh, no one else is going to stand a chance in HBBC with you in on this!! Good job!
I like every fruit BUT persimmons. Too fleshy or something.
My friend's mom makes some wonderful persimmon cookies. You should definitely trying baking with them. You're so creative with food that I'm sure you work something up! :-)
What a fun night at the Farmer's Market!
Love that hershey kiss tree!
Have fun tonight!
I've never had a persimmon. They look so cute!
You are KICKING MY BUTT in the HBBC, lady! So inspiring :)
I love persimmons (and yes, you can bake with them although I've never tried) and that kisses tree is adorable!
You are kicking some major bootie on HBBC. Great job!!!
Yay! Do I need to email you about the win or anything? I'm so excited!
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