Monday, November 10, 2008
Happy Monday Everybody!!! Some people have the day off, but I get the privilege of having a full day with my kids at school:) We are going to have a fun day, full of scavenger hunts, cooking, and crafts! This morning I woke up at 6:30am without the alarm!!! The sun is out and it looks like it's going to be a beautiful day!
Here's the workout schedule this week.
Monday: PM AKB Teach
Tuesday: AM Spin Class/ weights , PM AKB Class
Wednesday: AM 40 minute run
Thursday: AM Spin Class/ weights , PM AKB Class
Friday: AM Hour Run
Saturday: Yoga/ Softball
Sunday: AKB Teach
AKB=Aerobic Kickboxing
I miss track workouts!!! Maybe I ll get one in next week.
I made a nice bowl of oats, a great way to start off the week.
The Combo:
1/2 c oats
1/2 c H2O
1/2 banana sliced
handful of granola
handful of blackberries
dash of Cinnamon
handful of flax seed
drizzle of Agave Nectar
Spoonful of Zap PB
I know I have been talking about ZAP Peanut Butter for a while now, it has come time to let you all try it too!!!
WHY IS ZAP DIFFERENT THEN OTHER PEANUT BUTTERS? This product is unique in that they have blended 10 Superfoods into the peanut butter- so the antioxidant value is 1,100 per serving! In each bite, you will get the natural flavor of the butter plus carrot, kale, spinach, beets, blueberries, strawberries. What a great concept! Thanks to Zolton Phillips , I have been eating ZAP now for over a month and I love it! It taste great in my oatmeal, on a banana, in a sandwich.
per 2 Tablespoons
Calories 190
Fat in grams: 14 grams
Protein:8 grams
Carbohydrates:9 grams
So do you want some? Here's how you can win!
To enter, leave a comment telling me what is your favorite thing to put Peanut butter on or in? I will use random.org to select a winner.
For first first place ZAP will send four jars of ZAP Natural Peanut Butter to you and for second place, they will give two energy bars of each flavor. The Natural peanut butter sells for $16.00 and the energy bars - $12.00.
Contest ends Friday, November 14th. Sorry, this one is only for US citizens.
You can earn 1 extra entry for each of the following: Linking back to this giveaway on your blog.
Adding Nhershoes to your blogroll. (If you already have me on your blogroll, that counts, too.)
Good luck! Remember to day is Make A Difference Monday, how can you make a difference in the world today? Helping a stranger, buying a friend lunch, etc.....
1 – 200 of 237 Newer› Newest»how can i pick just one thing?! if i HAD to choose, i'd say the combo of banana & pb has to rank as my favorite.
You're already on my blogroll!!
My FAVORTIE thing to put peanu butter on is anything with pumpkin in it!! YUM!
My favorite thing to put peanut butter on...is my spoon :)
pb and banana...def the best!
Ooooh! I have never seen anything quite like this "PB" hehe. I wonder if it is in stores around Bos?? hmm... my fave thing to put PB on is DEF toast of some sort. mmm... cinnamon toast or cinn-raisin toast.
Oooh add me to the contest! I love having peanut butter and honey sandwiches (had one on Saturday for the first time in years!) But I also like peanut butter on bananas. Matt just likes peanut butter on everything!
I am just catching up with your posts. Way to go with that PR!!! You are so amazing!
And even though I'm out of the US and don't apply for the prize, I will throw in my answer just for the heck of it: I need my PB on some GRAIN , most preferably bread or cracker. Some Dulce de Leche/Jam/Chocolate on top make it even better!
Mmm i love a PB and banana sandwich on toasted bread! YUM
That ZAP PB sounds great I wonder if they sell it here in FL.
I really love peanut butter on a spoon...or my finger...haha Whats the quickest way to get it into my mouth? lol
You're already on my blogroll so put me down for two, I'll probably link your post on my next one so that'll be a good three... I love the odds.
I LOVE to put peanut butter on two pieces of bread with chocolate syrup and banana slices then toast it in the toaster over... YUMMM!
PEANUT BUTTER PLAiN = HEAVEN!! and you are already on my blog roll!
i LOVE putting pb on bananas. they're the best combo ever!
ZAP pb looks lovely and i would definitely love to try! thanks for the opportunity~
I am tagging you! See my latest post (http://therunningaddict.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/that-tagging-game/) for details!
YOU'VE BEEN TAGGED!! :) i am playing the 6-things game...
I love pb on pancakes, bananas, ice cream you name it!
I love to put it IN celery.
I love to put peanut butter on toast.
Finally something I can eat. :)
I'll have to check out ZAP. I love PB.
I really like your dishes too.
I love to put peanut butter on jalapenos! Wash them, slice in half lengthwise, take out the membrane and seeds, fill with peanut butter, and yummmmm....
peanut butter on pretzels! or with chocolate chips melted together..yumm<3
My favorite thing is PB on a spoon with my oatmeal...orrr right out of the jar- happens a lot..hahah! I don't have a blog so I cant add you to my blogroll but you're on my google reader :)
It is right out of the jar. A big spoonful that I lick off. yum. No double dipping.
You know I got you on my blogroll girl!
Favorite thing to put PB ON: prunes!
Favorite thing to put PB IN: my mouth!
well I love making french toast with it, but cold- apple slices or smush with cheese
What a great offer! Thank you! I love to eat Granny Smith apple wedges dipped in peanut butter: sweet, sour, salty, crunchy, and creamy, all in one package... and protein and fiber, too. What's not to love?
My favorite match for peanut butter is apple slices. The ZAP peanute butter sounds marvelous.
just old fashioned on a spoon !! good with honey also ! thnx for the giveaway
I love to make Peanut Butter Rice Crispy Squares. They are yummy!
honestly, Peanut Butter & Preserves is where it's at - best way, hands down, to use pb!
I'll be linking to your blog :)
Oh, this is easy...PB goes best in vanilla yogurt! Delicious...
my favorite thing is just in a recipe,added with other ingredients.For example PB Kakes,a little layer of cake,a layer PB and melted chocolate chips on top.
Rosa Bartolucci
honestly.. pretty much everything! banana, toast, apples..
Love to put pb in oatmeal.
i need a little zap in my life!
favorite place to put pb: on a spoon and into my mouth :D
My favorite thing to put peanut butter on is toast. It just melts in your mouth.
favorite thing to put pb on is def an apple!!
I love pb in my chocolate ice cream......yummy
Oh! I would love to win this! Bananas and oatmeal is 2 of my favorite things that I love to eat with PB!!
mmmm PB is best with oatmeal in my book ;)
Peanut Butter on a spoon!!!
I like to put PB on my chocolate ice cream:) Just like a peanut butter cup but more satisfying!
I love your blog - and I love peanut butter on Wasa bread! I want some now!
I love to spread PB on toast and top with raisins - Yum!
I like it with a banana.
I LOVE peanut butter drizzled on salty popcorn. Yummmmmy.
i have to mix peanut butter in yogurt and dip apple slices into it:)
also I love PB on strawberries.
peanut butter and banana....they were practically invented for each other!
My finger. :D
That's tacky, I know, so I'll say oats. :D
Oh, I have been wanting to try this! Thanks for doing this great giveaway!
I love PB on a spoon with half jelly :0
Hi, this is my first comment on your wonderful blog!
Do I have to pick just one? I love PB on pickles and also eating it on a spoon sprinkled with a few butterscotch chips.
However, I eat peanut butter with almost anything including pizza!
I love peanut butter on just about everything, but my favorite way to eat it is on a spoon!
chocolatecoveredpeanut butterpretzels.
or any other world in existance. ever. !!
I love peanut butter on figs, waffles, oatmeal and chocolate to name a few! Thanks for the fun contest.
My favorite way to eat peanut butter is spread on a banana.
I'm obsessed with peanut butter as most people seem to be around here! My FAVORITE thing to put peanut butter in is oatmeal. Especially crunchy peanut butter. It's making my mouth water just thinking about it.
I have never heard of this PB. I would love to try it. I'll have to buy some if I don't win. :-)
Banana is by FAR my favorite thing to put PB on- next would be chocolate
I like peanut butter on graham crackers, but you can't beat peanut butter chocolate chip cookies.
My favorite thing to put PB in is my mouth! Ha.
I love PB and honey on just bananas, pancakes, toast, and bagels!
on bagels baby!!
autumn398 (at) yahoo.com
Peanut butter on raisin bread....Yum!!!
Toast. I love whole wheat toast and I love to put PB and strawberry jam on my toast.
My fav way to eat PB is just straight out of the jar, lick lick lick :] And I adore the CLASSIC pb&j on toasted raspberry bagels or whole grain chewy toasted breads!! Best combo ever!! PB noodles with some garlic, sesame oil, soy sauce & scallions is super tasty as well!!
I love to put peanut butter on apple slices!
I love peanut butter on Triscuits or whole wheat, very grainy crackers.
wow that's some delicious sounding PB!
I love PB, banana and honey sandwiches, and alsonlove PB in protein smoothies!
I put peanut butter on italian bread and add a hot dog. It grosses people out,but I like it.
I like peanut butter on celery.
i love peanut butter...love putting it in my oatmeal or Fage yogurt!
Isn't this a family friendly site? I'll just say I enjoy peanut butter.
Zap peanut butter sounds yummy. I absolutely love peanut butter. My favorite way to eat it is spread on a tortilla and rolled up or dolloped in a bowl of cream of wheat.
I really love to make Thai peanut sauce for veggies and tofu with peanut butter! Apple slices with a little PB is divine too!
I love putting peanut butter on my turkey and swiss panini!
Thank you so much for the generous giveaway and please enter me!
I would just have it with a good slice of bread! that's enough for a good snack!
PB with celery
I love peanut butter on my pancakes with real maple syrup.
Fave thing to put peanut butter on is cinnamon raisin toast - yum! Also, I added you to my blogroll!!
I love PB and homemade fig jam on whole wheat toast
BOnnie in FL
We always tr and buy healthier PB for our kids. Love to try this kind
Plain and simple...my favorite thing to put peanut butter on is...a SPOON! Lol.
Thanks for this great contest :)
Celery stick and pb.
my favorite thing to put PB on is a piece of toasted potato bread, then add a drizzle of honey!
My favorite thing to put peanut butter on is...my spoon! Seriously, in this house, everyone accepts that peanut butter on a spoon is a great snack. asthenight at gmail dot com
I love pb on z-bars and a good old pb&j.
I LOVE peanut butter and bananas. There is nothing better than that!
on a BANANA!!!!!!!!!
I've never heard of this ZAP Pb... interesting!
I like my pb with banana and then over toast or oatmeal. Not very original I know, but it's good! :)
first time on your blog, but i can't resist a chance to win free peanut butter! :D my favorite peanut butter combination is a bowl of pumpkin oats plus pb&co white chocolate peanut butter. :)
My favorite thing to put PB on is a spoon!
I can't resist... a scoop of PB on vanilla ice cream, yum!
We love peanut butter in our house. My favorite thing to have peanut butter in is my husbands fabulous waffles. He puts peanut butter and Nestle's Tollhouse chocolate chips in the batter. These waffles need no syrup. Yummmm!
I looovvee pb on sliced apples!!
Oh, what a great contest; I could really use some ZAP in my life! I love PB on toasted bread with a bit of strawberry jelly. Yummy!
My hubby says I make the best peanut butter cookies in the world so that's where I would use it. Plus, nothing beats dipping a celery stick in a jar of PB!
Sorry, the comment before came out as anonymous, but I put my name (Sarah). Don't know what happened.
on toast! sprouted barley toast!
I love it on crackers! thanks, justicecw@hotmail.com
i'd have to say banana, in any and every way imaginable!!! banana + pb, blended together, bound in a cupcake, muffin, bread, pie, cake... i'm on a mission to try pb-banana gnocchi :)
i love peanut butter on bananas or on apples
Classic PB&J on WW.
Your in my blog roll and of course i Love peanut butter--it is the title of my blog after all!
my favorite thing is apples and peanut butter!
on celery
Is it too late??? i love love love pb and dill pickle sandwiches- sounds weird but it is good, promise!
Ohhhh how I love me some PB. Hello, it's my first time commenting, and could not resist the opportunity to share my love of PB and maybe even win some!!!
My favorite thing to put PB in is my mouth. I like to just eat it straight from a spoon. It's the best way. But If I DO need to choose an actual food, I would say, baby carrots! yum
Happy Tuesday!
mmm... peanut butter!! i love it straight from the jar!!
Peanut butter is my go-to comfort food! It's soooo hard to just pick ONE favorite, but if I had to choose, I would say that a yummy date dipped in pb is hard to beat!!! YUM!!
My favorite thing to put peanutbutter on is bread with marshmellow creme. Yeah, I love to make fluffernutter sandwiches.
I put PB on my toast!
I'm not from the US, but I thought I would share. My favorite thing is the simple PB and J sandwich! Grew up with those when I was a kid, and loved them ever since!
Hands down - PB and banana sandwich. It's good anytime of day.
I love peanut butter and crackers with a slice if apple on top.
I love to put peanut butter between cookies. My favorite are soft oatmeal raisin and I spread a dollop of PB and a dollop of jam and eat the PB/Jammy Sammie in just a couple of bites!
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love to put chunky peanutbutter on dark chocolate!
Peanut Butter and Nutella on Bread for dessert. yum!
carrots and PB are my newest addiction, but apples and PB are another top competitor for my "favorite"
on crackers.....
graham crackers with peanut butter is my favourite
peanut butter on a muffin
Wow...is there anything PB is not good on, this is tough. Honestly my favorite thing is to eat a spoonful all by itself!
PB and Wegmans marathon bread before my run in the morning! It gets me out of bed!
I absolutely love having peanut butter with a honeycrisp apple! Nothing is fresher or more filling!:)
im a lover of all things pb... but to be fair ill narrow it down to two things.
pb in my oatmeal
& pb melted a top chocolate froyo
peanut butter and oats baby!!! that's the best combo
I love peanut butter on baked oatmeal bars I make at home. They are not much drier than normal oatmeal so the peanut butter adds the perfect touch of creaminess. Please send me some ZAP!!
Thank you!
Crackers :)
lilacbutterfly [at] earthlink.net
My favorite thing to put peanut butter on is a spoon. Then lick it, and repeat as necessary.
Thank you for having this. toast by far is my favorite thing to put peanut butter on. thank you!
i absolutely love apples and peanut butter... pretty common, but also pretty delicious. :)
I love putting peanut butter on my raisin toast in the morning.
I basically love peanut butter on ANYTHING, but especially anything having to do with banana. PB and Banana are the ultimate combo!
I eat peanut butter every morning on a toasted english muffin. Yum!!
lizames2003 (at) yahoo dot com
I just LOVE peanut butter. YUM!!! My favorite way is just probably on hot toat with just a tad of butter (but just a tad and it has to be real butter..not margarine)...I KNOW...as if it needs to have ANY more fat but it is just the way I have always had it:)
Thanks for the chance at the giveway.
tskrush (at) cox (dot) net
I love peanut butter! My favorite is with banana, but I love PB & tomato sandwiches too. As a kid, I used to love PB & pickles!!
I love peanut butter on my husband's multi-grain homemade bread.
I love peanut butter with oatmeal and bananas, not terribly creative but I love it because it is so simple. :]
I love peanut butter on a Food for Life Ezekiel -7 Sprouted Grain English Muffin with sliced banana on top with a drizzle of Native Nectar Honey.
I am also going to add you blog to my blog roll and to this Zap Peanut Butter Giveaway.
I like peanut butter on my tongue!!!
WHOO HOOO for PB contests!!!!
I love peanut butter on almost anything...including just sticking my finger into the jar! (though that can become a dangerous habit!)But I think my favorite is in my daily bowl of pumpkin oatmeal. YUM!
I love peanut butter and put it on a lot of things, but I love it on cheese-its as a snack.
On celery or apple slices.
I must pick the classic peanut butter & banana sandwich. Yummy!
I love peanut butter on a toasted whole grain bagel. Yum. And now I'm craving peanut butter!
I added you to my blogroll before I even knew about this contest :o)
Gosh, this is a tough question...but I'm going to have to say that if forced to choose, I would say peanut butter in oatmeal!
I love to warm peanut butter and pour it over Vanilla ice cream with hot fudge...YummY!
i love peanut butter on some plain ole bread
Did you have to ask? Now I have to go fix myself a p-nut butter and honey sandwich on wheat.
I've never tried peanut butter in oatmeal, but it sounds really good. I love the taste of peanut butter and apples.
ritz crackers
My absolute favorite thing to do with peanut butter is to mix it in oatmeal with a mashed banana... so creamy, comforting, and delicious!
Of course, I won't complain about eating PB straight from a jar with a spoon either...
the BEST thing to do with peanut butter is grab a jar a spoon and have at it!!!
PB on any kind of organic bread is the best!
Love all nut butters! I also have a number of things I do with pb.. normally with pancakes, oatmeal, bananas.. but latley just out of the jar on a spoon!
luv peanut butter!
I love PB and honey on toast...mmmm.
Oh gosh how to choose!? Pb on banana oatmeal is my current favorite, but it's always yummy on toast with some jelly ;)
You're on my blogroll already!
Apple slices.
Jennifer, jennem22 at yahoo dot com
i love peanut butter on celery... on on whole wheat bread with a drizzle of honey!
PB on a cracker. Of course the perfect zen of PB is on a spoon and in the mouth, hehe!
I love peanut butter on a toasted bagel!
I love putting peanut butter on dark chocolate bars!
I love heating up peanut butter on a sliced banana so it gets all hot and melty! Yum. Thanks for the opportunity.
My favorite thing to put peanut butter on is a classic PB&J sandwich :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!
I blogged about the giveaway :
You're in my blogroll :)
I love it on graham crackers. Thanks for the contest!
People think it's weird until they try it...but I love peanut butter on pancakes and waffles, thanks!!!
I like peanut butter on whole wheat crackers, triscuits, cheese crackers, whole wheat bread, and any other healthy foods, including whole grain pancakes!
My fave thing to put PB on is bagels with black cherry jelly. Yumm...
life.is.my.adventure [at] gmail [dot] com
Peanut butter on toast with pear preserves.
1bmore @ gmail . com
peanut butter and marshmellow on toast
peanut butter and banana and marshmallow sandwich's:)
peanut butter on toasted english muffin
LOve peanut butter with apples
I just lke it on a good whole grain bread.
Toasted rye bread with jelly
peanut butter on banana walnut muffin (heated).
oh pb and banana...with ground flax :)
on celery
On wheat bread with some honey. Yummy!!
I also love warm peanut butter drizzled over cold vanilla ice cream :) yum!
I love putting peanut butter on a fluffernutter!
I love putting peanut butter on celery sticks.
I love peanut butter and apple slices or peanut butter with blackberry jam on toast, but you have to put the peanut butter on first so it gets nice and warm and melty. Thanks for a great giveaway!!
I like to put peanut butter on toast!
oh boy, my husband says I eat peanut butter on ANYTHING and EVERYTHING... which is almost true: celery, apple slices, waffles, toast, pancakes,bagels, rasin muffins... I could go on and on.
BUT my most favorite thing is a good old fashion PB and Bananna Sandwich, peanut butter on both slices of bread with 9 slices of bananna inbetween....MMMMMMMM Please enter me. thank you.
I LOVE peanut butter on fresh Michigan apples!
Peanut butter is good on anything and everything!
I love to put it on an apple!
I like pb and honey on multi-grain bread.
i like peanut butter on apple slices
My favorite thing to put peanut butter on are apples.
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