Thursday, October 23, 2008
Mixing it up!
Good morning everyone! Recap of last night, came home early and dinner was already, ready:) My crock pot slaved all day in the kitchen. This meal was real easy, I threw in three breast of chicken (pre-marinated Costco breasts), two quartered potatoes, frozen blackened corn, carrots, and butter beans. MMMM..I love walking in the door and smelling the sweet scent of dinner. I added a salad to the side with tomatoes from the garden, peppers, and sliced almonds. I am excited about bringing out the crock pot again, we have reunited and it feels soooo good. Hubbv bought a cute little white board today so I can write down our meals for the week, he's so thoughtful. I also got the new Everday with Rachel Ray, cant wait to read it. 

I had Women's Study last night, and it was all about rejection. I didn't realize that was what we were going to be talking about, I thought we were going to be talking about Love. It was talking about love just in a whole new perspective. Being able to love, even after you have been rejected. This could be by friends, family, children, and even your husband. At first I was like whatever this doesn't apply to me, but the more Beth Moore spoke the more it came to full life. Thinking about my college dating years, lots of rejection there by me or towards me. This got the wheels spinning in my head. I hope that if you are out there and are dealing with or have dealt with rejection, let it GO! You are loved and there is a a much better plan out there for you. Some doors are shut for a certain purpose, there is something out there better for you:)!
Ok on to the morning. Woke up at 5am sharp with out an alarm!!!! I love that my internal alarm clock is working again. I went to the gym to meet up with running buddy Rachel for some Yoga and weights. It was great! I love doing yoga because it forces me to do more stretching that I never do on my own. We did some free weights after, and then I left for home. On the way home I was already planning what I was going to make for breakfast, I was starved. So I decided on a bowl of Pumpkin Oats and would add in a few new ingredients.

Pumpkin Oats with Little Crunchies
1/2 c hemp milk
1/2 c hemp milk
1/4 c H2O
1/2 c Coaches oats
1/2 banana
1/2 banana
1/4 c pumpkin
2 pitted dates chopped up
pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg
handful of flax seed
1/4 cup Fiber One Hone Grams crushed up
handful of homemade honey pecan granola
pinch of cinnamon and nutmeg
handful of flax seed
1/4 cup Fiber One Hone Grams crushed up
handful of homemade honey pecan granola
1/2 spoonful of Zap Pb
Drizzle of honey on top
I love the crunchies in there, made me feel like I was eating pumpkin pie with the crust baked in. I think that cream cheese would be delightful in this bowl, maybe a treat for later:)
Today the hubby is cooking dinner for our friends who just had a baby, they love Italian and Mexican food any ideas of something simple he could cook with a start off of two chicken breasts? I love him for doing this for me, my schedule is pretty booked today so I won't have time, and I love to cook:( He will do great!
Tonight is our couples study and were starting a new study on finances, this should be interesting...
Well off to school, then kickboxing, then study. I am packing all my food today to go sinse I won't be home till after 9pm tonight. I just realized that this week was all about mixing it up, I had softball/kickboxing on Sunday, kickboxing on Monday, spinning /weights on Tuesday, off on Wednesday, yoga/weights/kickboxing today, and then spinning tomorrow!!!! WOW I love it, I think mixing it up keeps your body guessing, and not bored:) Mix it up today, give someoneaa a hug and tell them you love them you might be surprised you might be the first!
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What are your thoughts on the ZAP peanut butter? I just received a few jars and tried it for the firt time today on a sandwich with stewed apples and I wasn't that impressed. Do you like the sweetness or think it's better on its own? I haven't really made up my mind about it yet.
Pumpkin Oats with Little Crunchies - looks wonderful! I can't wait to get my hemp milk and make oatmeal by the way!
Your Women's Study sounds really interesting. Is it for a class or what? I'm sorry if I missed you explain it before.
Mixing it up really is a great way to keep your body guessing, and to keep YOU from falling into a rut. And, I love your hug idea - I'll do it tomorrow (since it's late hear today already...).
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